The Gathering Course

Develop your traits and qualities

The Gathering Course is a 5 day program dedicated solely to one’s re-balance and to one’s personal trait and quality development.  This is a time dedicated to your life; this magical 5 day process is everything about relocating and strengthening your center of gravity. 

The process begins with a thorough explanation about what we call ‘The Two Yous’ – the two most core parts of every person’s life and about the necessary balance between them.  It moves on to a part where each participant is invited to create their own focus or targets for the remainder of the course.  This is done inside the ‘Garden of Stones’ and continues with focused work about each and every quality or trait that each participant chose to focus on.  It is all done with the assistance of unique technologies such as the Bar technology, various ways of walking in nature, and sometimes even while using Go Karts, or with the aid of horses.

To find out more – contact us.


The Gathering Course – Working with Go Karts

The Gathering Course – Using the Bar Technology