Position Purple ‘Leadership of the New Kind’

How the program works – 2023/2024

‘Leadership of the New Kind’ is designed as a one year process of learning and of applying a new paradigm of leadership, with an option of continuing into a second year.

The 2023/2024 program is set to start on April 8, 2023 

Although Position Purple is a business organization, ‘Leadership of the New Kind’ is set as a non-profit endeavor with the objective to promote a new approach to leadership in the world.

Why is it set as an international program?

There are a few reasons that encouraged us, the Position-Purple team, to opt for an international program in spite of the inconvenience that goes with it.   The first and most important reason is that the need to update leadership is true to all countries and cultures that share the globe today, to one extent or the other.

The second reason is to do with the fact that people of different nationalities bring with them richness of different approaches, qualities and strengths which together become a great asset to the program and to all participants.  The experience of having people from four nationalities (The U.S. Canada, China and Israel) in the 2018 group was very positive and we absolutely loved it!  We would like to see even more nationalities joining in for the 2019 program.

The third reason refers to what was described in the letter of introduction as ‘points of fracture’, where too often in the past, people in position of leadership exercised the unfortunate practice of ‘divide and conquer’ or ‘divide and rule’. By the fact that we have in the program people of both genders and various nationalities, we make an important mark in support of understanding and mutual respect.

The way we meet:

During the year, we use a combination of online meetings with face to face small and large meetings and seminars.

Zoom Video: Being that we have participants that are located in different countries and on different continents, we conduct most of our learning and sharing over a video platform.  These video meetings are taking place mostly on weekends (usually Saturdays) and are happening in a frequency of twice to three times a month, depending on the phase of the program, holidays etc.

Local Meetings: We also have a few local meetings and seminars spread over the year. These in-person short events are designed to bring people from the same locale together for a weekend or a one day seminar and they take place in the country of participation and with the local Position-Purple team (Although in principle, these meetings are open to all participants).  Frequency of meetings and location will also depend on updated covid-19 travel restrictions.

Summer Workshop: In the summer of 2023, we plan to have a one week international seminar for all participants. This seminar is scheduled to take place in Canada and participation in it is optional, though highly recommended. You can view photos from the 2018 and 2019 events on our website – Canada Course Gallery

1:1 Coaching and Mentoring – We wish to see each of the participants applying the principles of ‘Leadership of the New Kind’ in their own chosen field of application.  To assist the participants in achieving this objective, we provide access to Coaching/Mentorship beginning mid-way through the program.  The idea is to allow each person an easy access to someone who can guide them through the specific challenges of their field of application.

Small group studies and researches – We also ask the participants to partake in small group projects and researches.  This is done for two purposes: First, to encourage deepening into the subject matter and second to allow for people from different countries to communicate and collaborate with each other.

What Can I Expect to Achieve in the Program?

  1. Acquisition of leadership skills and particularly skills that are to do with ‘Leadership of the New Kind’. These include ‘Creating Agreements’, designing leadership ecosystems where creative and emotional intelligences can thrive and many more skills useful for a leader.
  2. Forming a deep understanding about the function of leadership in the world, and how ‘Leadership of the New Kind’ is to do with human development. We refer to it in the program as: Forming a higher level of consciousness.
  3. Development of Natural Charisma. This begins with better knowing oneself and identifying one’s strengths, and continues with learning the principles of self-leadership and development. Natural charisma is to do first and foremost with being true to one’s own individual essence (not trying to be someone else), and is something we will work on mostly on our in-person meetings.

Who could benefit from the program?

People who are genuinely interested in leadership and want to apply leadership principles with themselves and with others.  Since we refer to leadership in the broader sense, this includes leadership in business, in the community, in education and with children in teaching circumstances and in the family.

Among this year’s participants we have managers and leaders in the business world, educators, a psychologist, a veterinarian, musicians, a designer, an architect, a tv producer and more.  The collaboration between people from different fields provides opportunities for a deeper understanding about how to apply the tools in various circumstances.


The three phases of the program:

Phase 1: April 8th 2023 through July 2024 – learning the principles of ‘Leadership of the New Kind’.

This phase will mostly be done through online video meetings and distribution of written materials.  It will include the following topics:

  • Principles of Leadership of the New Kind; for example: how leadership of the new kind uses no fear tactics or threats and focuses instead on creating agreements.
  • Self-Leadership and self-change.
  • A thorough study of the different kinds of intelligences that are active in the human and how this new kind of leadership activates this set of intelligences in a new way.

Phase 2: August 2023 through November 2023 – leadership skills

  • Skills that are to do with ‘Leadership of the New Kind’ such as ‘Creating Agreements’; Setting Ecosystems; Enhancing Peoples’ Natural Talents; Moving from External Dominance to Internal Firmness and Clarity.
  • General Leadership Skills such as Presentation Skills; Persuasion; Communication; Motivating; Reasoning as a Path to Clarity and Inner Strength, and more.
  • Small group researches and projects.
  • Beginning of coaching and mentoring towards the end of phase 1.
  • This stage will include one or two in-person meetings

Phase 3: December 2023 through March 2024 – Application Phase

  • Commitment to field of application
  • 1:1 work with coach and mentor
  • Deeper penetration into the enigma of consciousness – and why it is essential to a leader.
  • Continued development of skills
  • Continuing with online video meetings

For more details, please contact us